What do you want? Do you want love because you want it or because you saw someone else with it? Do you want a new SUV? Do you want it because you want it or because Bob your neighbor just got one? Remove all outside impulses. What would you want? Material goods or success, whatever. What would you go buy if the thought of impressing women was not in the back of your mind? Have you always secretly wanted to drive a Yugo but never did cuz girls would laugh? Have you women ever wanted to cut off all your hair and go bald but fear society's reaction? Who are you really?
What do you want?
Um... I want my crush to like me.
What do you want?
I don't want, I just do..quite simple really..
What do you want?
What I have.
What do you want?
I want love...and I want it now...:)
Yes quite often...we don't do things because we are afraid that someone will make fun of us. What can you do this is life with norms.
What do you want?
i want a balanced life. i live beyond the opinions of people.
What do you want?
to tell u the thruth i want to just blow sh*t up and kill a couple people and think about how man came to be but being a killer and blowing things up with various explosives it looked down upon by society so i stick to firecrackers and killing people on video games which is much more fun than actually killing them.
i also want to ride a dinosaur but theyre dead.and i want to think the way i do now because i like to think about things that scare the sh*t out of people that dont want the truth.
What do you want?
I want my children to be happy when they are grown and gone.
I want to make enough money to feel secure, and not have to work until the day I die. If I have enough to see the world, then that is a bonus.
I want to grow old and look back and say, "I did the best I could with what I had".
What do you want?
I want to be happy
What do you want?
This is a brilliant question. What would I want if all outside impulses did not exist, that is a toughie. I don't think that question can be answered honestly unless all outside impulses were actually removed. Who am I really? That one is tough to, how does one explain who they are? Is it even possible? Once again brilliant question, really made me stop and think.
What do you want?
i would give it all up in exchange of CONSTANT INNER PEACE
that is the real gain i believe
What do you want?
I want to expose Two-Faced Hypocritical Environmentalists like Al Gore that have repeatedly Lied to Us all, and are widely believed as being Politically Correct. Here's one Lie that really brings My Blood to a Boil.All Gasoline Powered Vehicles in the USA from ' 96 to the Present are required, under the EPA-OBD II Law to Run their Fuel to Engine Delivery Systems at 14.7 Parts of Air, to 1 Part of Fuel.Any Change from that, even if Fuel Economy is improved, and Emissions are Lowered, will result in a Failed Vehicle Inspection. Really ! Under this Insane Law, which Al Gore helped to Pass, it is illegal to Operate a Vehicle that is not emitting enough Pollution ! So what ? I've found a way to safely Convert Regular Pump Gasoline into what is, for all Intents and Purposes, Propane. 100 Parts of Air to 1 Part of Fuel.My Avatar is a Photo of it, with Air going into the Unit.It's Unhooked from the Engine, and Ignited on Fire to Prove that it actually Works. An even better Photo of it is on My 360 Page.The Point is this, Vaporized Fuel is the same thing as Propane, but with a lot less Hassle.And a Phenomenal Gain in Fuel Economy and an equal Decrease in Polluting Exhaust Emissions. Even the Largest SUV could get 50 + MPG, and Emit 10 Times less Polluting Exhaust Emissions ! Want more ? Go to http://www.fuelvapors.com and http://energy21.freeservers.com/bookrep.... See, I'm not the First to Figure this out, not by a Long Shot ! But, as far as I Know, I'm the First to safely Ignite Vaporized Gasoline to Prove it can be done.Look at the Color Spread of the Flame, and Compare it to a Butane Lighter. Very Similar! Regular Propane is totally Blue, and Burns very Hot.This can result in damage to an Engine that is not specially prepared.The Vaporizer Burns a much Cooler Flame, which is totally Safe for any Engine. But what's the Point ? It's Illegal to Install on any Vehicle from ' 96 to the Present, thanks to the OBD II Law ,the Vehicle's On-Board Oxygen (O2) Sensor will Register that the Vehicle is not running "Properly" because the Engine is not Emitting enough Pollution.When Inspected,the Vehicle will Fail, and be Illegal to Operate.The Info will then go into the Failed Vehicle Registry List. If the Vehicle is driven, it can then be Impounded, and the Driver Arrested for Operating a Vehicle that is not Emitting enough Pollution ! What I want is an Explanation of the Logic behind this from Mr. Al Gore. Next, I'd like to Restore, Convert, and Donate Pre-OBD II Vehicles to Charity, starting with the Local "Meals-On-Wheels" Program.Typically, Volunteers Pay out of Pocket for all Expenses. Even with Gas back to $2.20 , that's still over $40 Per Tankfull. See, Charity would expose the Greed behind the OBD II Law that only benefits the Big Oil Companies, and the Auto Manufacturers, since Engines would last much longer.That's what I want, to expose a Group of Hypocrites, and do it with Charity, not Malice !
What do you want?
I want to color my hair light purple with whit highlights and not to be scared of what people will say or think about me when I have done it. Or to be scared that people will stare. That is what I really want.
What do you want?
'Remove all outside impulses'
thats bad for the economy...retard
What do you want?
i want peace and contentment...
for me and my weary heart...
i want a breath of life
once again...
coz my life, my everyday life
is almost a day of survival..
of pain, of sufferings.
the rest of my days would me
my friends don't understand...
no one does.
What do you want?
Above all things i want to be happy. Silly eh?I want to be able to live in the present moment , and live passionately. I want to get myself some finacial security, but yet the rat race disgusts me so i'm being self contradictory and can't seem to make up my mind .I want love, real love, and to be able to love without fear. As for going bald, trust me i've done far worse than that and plus ain't sinead o'connor like so pretty ?love her.
What do you want?
I want you to stop asking such mundane questions about life which you haven't a clue and keep running in front of traffic until one finally gets you.
What do you want?
World peas
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