Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ok here's the deal my 11 year old daughter had hair 7 inches down her back, she wanted to cut it short so i took her to a salon and she asked for a chin length bob so thats what she got. A couple weeks later she still didn't think it was short enough so i took her back and she cut it to the top of her lip. then we were still at the salon and she told my about this girl at her school whos haircut she really liked it was buzzed (really short)and the haistylist had to use the Clippers I told my daughter i would think about it. the hairstylist said if you come back tommorro i will do it free of charge... should i let my daughter go through with it? i mean i really think it is a bad i dea but isn't she old enough to make her own decision or is that just too far?


i think way to far and it might make her look alot older then she is and then watch she will want the hairstyle and she wont be able to do anything with it she might not even like it after the first week and there wont even be a solution because all her hair is cut off but you are the parent


Let her do it......at least hair grows back!


honestly i dont think short hair like boy cuts are nice for girls. guys dont like it nd it looks very ugly in my point of view. i think da shortest for a girl hair is her shoulders. no higher unless u wanna go as high as neck thts it. cause i use to have long hairrr nd i neve got to do an ything with it cause my mom was afraid if i got lice nd i cut it two yrs ago to my shoulders in layers buh now i wish i didnt cut my hair too short cause my hair is now up to my breasts nd i want it longer so i can do more hairstyles. cause no one likse da same hairstyle every day. u kno wht i mean so i think longer but not to long is better. i recommend leavin it tell her tht probably later she wish it wasnt so short.


I think it's a bit too far, but I also don't think it would be right not to allow her to do something she really wants to do. The best thing would be to try and convince her otherwise, and hope you succeed. If you don't, let her learn from her mistakes. How about suggesting a compromise that can still look feminine, like shaggy (but not messy-looking) short hair with side bangs? Something you could say to her to get her to agree to something else would be "Do you really want hair exactly like another girl's at your school? She might think you're copying her. It won't be as unique." An 11-year-old would usually care about that.


I think its a bad idea but if she wants it like that, let her try it for a while and let her see whether she likes IT!


at 11 i don't think she is old enough to buzz her hair tell her to wait and when she gets 16 if she still thinks its cool then she can do it a lot can change in that time and she will be older and know if she really wants to walk around without hair also the girl in class may have cancer and not have a choice


There is a personal rule in my family: as long as you keep your grades up, you get pretty relaxed rules.

Growing up, as long as I kept my attitude in check and my grades up, I got my hair cut however I wanted.

As long as she is well behaved, and does nothing to show you she doesn't deserve it cut that way, let her cut it how she wants.


I do not know your daughter's thinking but I hope it isn't along the lines where she wants the same exact haircut and is expecting it to work the same for her. As a mom I would say that's enough hair. My daughter can cry and pout and what not but I have final say because I am the one paying for it. Tell your girl to deal with this hair cut first. It is short enough to experiment with it and etc. Granted the stylist said she'd cut it the next day for free...this one is up to you. If you let your daughter go ahead with it you tell her to use her savings to tip the hair stylist for doing this favor for her AND that you don't want to hear any more about getting hair changed, cut, highlighted or whatever.


free or not u r the mother!!!! kids think they can tell the parents what to do anymore and i dont agree so i would say when u get old enough youngun u can do what u want but until then well.......


I'm the mother of a 13-year-old girl and a 19-year-old boy - and have been where you're at right now. It's not so much that she isn't old enough to make these decisions, it's just that kids her age see something they want and only have in mind what it means to them for that moment. Parents, fortunately have lived a little longer and learned a few of these lessons the hard way. The question to ask would be - if you've seen your daughter, in the past year or so, say she really wanted something and within a week later had lost interest in it. If that's the case, such a severe cut may not be the thing for her - because after that "week" has gone by, it will still be there. Is she a strong enough personality that she can deal with whatever someone has to say about it? Just some things to think about - you probably know her better than she knows herself right now...

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