I want to cut my hair from an inch past my shoulders to just around my chin but am worried how my husband will react. My hair is reallly fine and gets very limp when its long. He's always liked long hair but hates all of the time I spend in the bathroom trying to get mine to do something. A few years ago, back in high school I made a drastic change from mid-back length to a chin length bob and really liked it. Guys I knew that were in their mid 20's to early 30's told me it made me look very classy and sophisticated. Unfourtunately, I had let it grow by the time I met my husband.
I've been telling my husband that short hair is much easier to put back in place after taking off a motorcycle helmet! He just got one and keeps telling me that when I ride with him my hair will be a mess whenever we go somewhere.
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
I really like long(er) hair on women, but my wife has fine hair without a lot of body, so on her long hair is hard to make look good. It tends to get very limp and stringy.
So she tends to go for a shorter style and cuts if before it reaches the shoulders. Sometimes the style she chooses is attractive.
I am disappointed, sure; but realistically, for her, the shorter style fits her hair (and personality) better. She just doesn't have the right type of hair to wear it very long.
And it's her hair, and she has to manage it, and it's a reflection of who she is and what she feels like as a person. So I don't feel like I should be complaining about it or demanding that she wear it differently. I feel that would violate who she is, and I just need to accept reality and move past the whole issue.
(It's just hair, right? :) )
Note: I find the whole "submission" argument used by the other poster's husband to be pretty lame, especially in regards to hair. In this matter, is your husband really caring about you, or are you just a plaything whom he can stylize as he wishes?
It's fine for him to have an opinion, and you should both be sensitive to each other over the hair issue, but if he wants to start wielding religious beliefs (i.e., submission) as a way to control his wife, he should know it's not really his job to be "policing" you over how you do or don't submit, he's supposed to be focusing on what he can personally sacrifice in order to make you a better human being and a woman of great inner beauty.
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
I had hair down to the middle of my back a few years back and I went and had it cut right above my shoulders and when I went home my boyfriend jaw hit the ground it finaly grew back long and I never did that again
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
My husband was furious with me to the point of ridiculous! I told him it was my head and I had to take care of it. I told him I knew he liked long hair and I kept it that way for a very long time. I don't have thick hair either, and it looks great at chin length too. He still brings that up to me about cutting it without first consulting him as to how short. His contention is that a wife is supposed to please and submit to her husband and a husband is supposed to submit and please his wife. I say BS! Its 50/50 and nobody should impose their likes and dislikes on another person. Am I wrong here?
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
my husband doesn't care...he doesn't love me for my hair....
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
i'm in the same boat as all the other women in here
mine wont let me cut it eather so if i did i would be divorced in a matter of a few weeks,lol
so just keep your long hair if that makes him happy and try not to make a big deal out of it,he loves you the way you are,but if you do cut it,you know whee we are here.
good luck with what ever you do
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
I am going to cut my hair short tomorrow , and not tell my husband , so I shall let you know what his reaction is
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
OK, this is YOUR hair! Does your husband take you with him when he goes for a haircut? To be honest, I think your husband isn't the matter here - you are! Maybe you're just feeling unsure of making a drastic change. Go for it! I had really long, thick, curly hair mid-back length - twice! And I cut it all off - twice and I'm talking really, really short (a couple of cms). Making the actual decision to cut it, (that is change your appearance), is the hard part. But, then again it's just hair and if you don't feel comfortable with it, it will grow back, right. The most important thing is that it's healthy and that you feel comfortable with it whether it's short or long.
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
Its YOUR hair to do as you please, but it IS a fact: Most men prefer long hair on women, like it or not.
Women. How did your husbands react when you first cut your hair shorter than your shoulders?
I feel that women should think for themselves. How do they look with long or short hair. Does it look good? It depends on what type of hair she has. What sort of lifestyle does she have? If she's very busy, taking care of a certain length or style of hair can be time consuming. Personally I prefer shoulder length or slightly longer than shoulder length hair.
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